Some habits of successful losers

Some Habits of Successful Losers
They are physically active every day
Taking first place for a very good reason: because one of the main predictors of physical activity loss long term successful weight. Exercise alone is not useful for weight loss, but it is a good way to prevent weight gain and maintain lean body mass. Other recreational activities that take place are not sedentary, moving more every day and the more fit you become, the greater your success will keep books and fats.

But like everything in the trip, be realistic. Add the activity and the exercise gradually and mix. Do not try to do everything at once. Gently move their habits until they hold. You can then superimpose new. Try to gradually increase the performance of five hours per week, as has been shown to facilitate the maintenance of life. Remember, this can be divided into different intervals and different types of activities that may be more effective than large pieces of business anyway.

They eat lunch
Who would have thought that something so simple can be so powerful? Skipping breakfast can derail your weight loss efforts, and the same is true for keeping the weight off. Italian researchers found that skipping breakfast leads to an increase in appetite, poor food choices and poor quality of food in general, which leads to an increased risk of diabetes and cardiovascular disease. And a study by the University of Nottingham in England found that people who ate high-fiber carbohydrates for breakfast doubling the amount of fat that is burned on a walk or further training.

Even if all you have time for a handful of nuts and a piece of fruit, even if you are not particularly hungry in the morning, eat something. Give your body the fuel it needs so you need to be able for the first part of your day. It can cause a positive domino effect on the rest of their behavior throughout the day.

They control parts
If barbecues or fall Comfort, winter and summer picnics and holiday parties, it seems they are always surrounded by tempting and fattening foods and activities that focus on food. This does not mean you should deny all sweets and desserts and fun opportunities to socialize, but you can and should pay attention to the amount of food you plop on your plate. You are in control, and you know what foods you can load if you're hungry (hint: plants) and those requiring moderate portions.

They make healthy food choices
You know how to make good food choices when eating fresh foods (especially those that make Digest mode). And those who support weight loss usually stick to a diet low in unhealthy fats, but high in fiber fruits, vegetables and whole grains.

Prepare for success in the preparation of a weekly shopping list and ensure supply as liberators fat, without multipliers. Remember, real food tend to be in the perimeters of the supermarket, so start there, stay there and spend some time with the packaged products.

They surround support
Do not go alone. And support can not only come from others: You must set up your home, your day and your work environment to help you too. This means that they do not bring junk food in the house if it is a trigger for you. This means planning ahead to snack time and travel. This does not mean letting go so long between meals to starve. This means deciding every day to take care of you.