Pleasure to Stop smoking

Stop smoking Quitting smoking can give pleasure. Not only stop smoking can give a sense of achievement, but it also feels better physical condition. The taste and smell reappear after a week, the food and drinks are tasty. In fact only 20 minutes after quitting positive effects are already being felt "stop smoking".

10 felt positive effects after smoking cessation are shown espouse.

1-120 minutes: The pulsation of the heart and blood pressure values newfound in the standard
2- 8 pm: The oxygenation of the blood returns to normal. The risk of myocardial infarction begin to decrease
3- 24 hours: Carbon monoxide is eliminated from the body. The lungs start to clear out mucus and tar. The risk of respiratory infections, bronchitis and pneumonia kind, begins to fall
4- 48 hours: Nicotine is no longer detectable in the blood
5- 1: week senses of taste and smell improves
6- 3 to 9 months: Breathing improves (less coughing, more breath). Lung function is increased from 5 to 10%
7- 1 year: Risk of heart disease (heart attack, for example) is halved
8- 5 years: The risk of stroke is reduced by half. The risk of cancer of the mouth, esophagus and bladder are cut in half
9- 10 years: Risk of lung cancer is halved. The risk of stroke joins the level of risk of non-smokers
10- 15 years: Risk of heart disease (heart attack, for example) joined the non-smoking. Mortality (all causes) almost joined the people who have never smoked.
stop smoking...
stop smoking...
now its the times to stop smoking... :)