Generally, we imagined until the harmful effects of counterfeit drugs in the body. This is a recent BBC article adds a layer. According to the website of the British radio, scientists have found that with regard to malaria (a disease transmitted by the bite of the female Anopheles), counterfeit drugs were more dangerous. Adulterated antimalarial drugs would hurt efforts against malaria endangering millions of lives in Africa.
A panel of researchers from the University of Oxford in the UK published a study saying that the fake products contain substances that may promote resistance. This is already the case for choosiness and eloquence. They now fear that this is the case of Artemis molecule currently considered the most effective against malaria. transmitted by the bite of the Anopheles mosquito.
"These fake drugs are sold in many African countries," says the BBC.
Eleven African countries have been affected between 2002 and 2010. The products are made win China and Nigeria after the researchers.
A seemingly profitable business, "which refers to the world of billion per year," reports the Post. And represents, according to WHO, nearly 10% of the world market.
Meanwhile, mosquitoes continue to bite and transmit malaria, killing each year nearly one million people with 781,000 deaths in 2009 alone.