why losing hair Is it normal to lose hair and in what proportion?
Dr Philippe Aimee: The hair growth is cyclical with a growth phase that lasts from 2 to 5 years, a resting phase and fall lasts about 3 months. It is normal to lose 30 hairs a day, but the double fall in autumn and spring, it is the seasonal decline. However, one has the impression of a much larger drop hair when you do not wash the hair "why losing hair" every day. Must not only assess the extent of the fall of average daily hair but the hair density, volume, and the maximum length of the hair. Women are aware of hair loss as they lose volume, the diameter of the ring allowing the tie in a ponytail becomes smaller why losing hair.
"why losing hair"
What is telegenic effluvium?
Dr Philippe Aimee: The telegenic effluvium is a diffuse hair loss, significant (soft pull a strand of hair back over five hair) and transient. This effluvium usually occurs within weeks after birth and may persist for several months. The telegenic "why losing hair" effluvium can also occur after a high fever, an operation under general anesthesia or certain medications (antidepressants or anti-cholesterol, for example). "why losing hair" Another common cause is stopping the pill.
What is androgenic alopecia?
"why losing hair"
Dr Philippe Aimee: The male androgenic alopecia is most often manifested by hair loss predominates in gulfs (temples) and the top of the skull, but there are more diffuse forms. The female androgenic alopecia typically results in a diffuse hair loss, localized forms must find a hormonal disorder. The dominant female ontogenetic alopecia on the top of the head more or less in accordance with the rear, it is noticed first by reducing the volume and length but also by a hair texture that is changing, with a diameter reduced and a reduced length. Androgenic alopecia is genetic and hormonal, with particular susceptibility of hair on the top of the skull. Note that the importance of androgenic alopecia is variable from person to person, ranging from subtle to severe. It often develops in spurts with periods where you lose more hair. In all, the hair loss increases with advancing age. This is a man out of two gulfs depleted in 50 years "why losing hair".
How dermatologist he makes the diagnosis?
Dr Philippe Aimee: The association of chronic hair fall predominant on the top of the skull, located in humans or diffuse in women over time, with the presence of small fine hair and family history to suspect strongly diagnosis "why losing hair". We must rule out other causes of diffuse hair loss which may also be associated with androgenic alopecia (change pill, high fever, endocrine problems, iron deficiency or vitamin B, drug taking?). A blood test is often necessary, especially in women. Pictogram to confirm the supposed diagnosis in difficult cases or diffuse alopecia is suspected. "why losing hair" Scales to quantify the importance of hair loss. In humans, the classification of Hamilton Norwood and women classification Ludwig or Saving is used. Several causes of falls can coexist, especially among women. Androgenic alopecia may be aggravated by a telegenic effluvium related to iron deficiency "why losing hair", a thyroid dysfunction or deficiency of vitamin B (in severe diet, eating disorders, malnutrition or pernicious anemia) etc.. Overall, when you are facing hair loss, it is necessary to eliminate the most common cause is the normal seasonal decline. There are other rarer diffuse falls as manage effluvium. This form is often evident because hair loss is abundant, manage effluvium occurs in the context of alopecia Arcata or the consequences of chemotherapy. Another example is the scarring alopecia which are often associated with inadequate care in women curly hair (braids flat, brushing, hot irons, bun?) Or rare diseases (follicular scarring, hair lichen plans, systemic lupus erythema). It should also include tricot "why losing hair" (habit of rubbing, pulling or tearing of hair) that may be the cause of hair loss difficult to diagnose.
"why losing hair"
When to worry, when to consult?
"why losing hair"
Dr Philippe Aimee: In the presence of hair loss seems excessive, try to see if a loss of volume, length or density can be objectified. It is reassuring to know before a fall seasonal concern. If there is an obvious cause large and sudden fall (pregnancy, stopping a pill, recent surgery, chemotherapy) "why losing hair", you have to wait several months to see regrown. When hair loss is chronic, it gradually loses its hair and no one notices that when the hair is cut in half. From that moment, the person notices it and think this is happened suddenly. So beware of FALSE impressions! The "why losing hair" existence of family history pushes control to the dermatologist to objectify androgenic alopecia which allows rapid treatment stabilization. Faced with diffuse alopecia, the dermatologist may deem necessary to make a small checkup to eliminate iron deficiency or a thyroid problem "why losing hair". The dermatologist will advise the best patients suffering from alopecia Arcata or scarring alopecia rarer. Patients using inadequate care should try to change their habits before considering treatment. "why losing hair" * Dr. Philippe Aimee is dermatologist attached to the former Saint-Louis Hospital and member of the French Society of Dermatology "why losing hair".
"why losing hair"
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